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"I want to find clips of a happy Lebron James with a yellow jersey"


Every business department produce data that could serve the business... if only these data were reconciled !

Find out why semantics are the perfect solution for finding highly accurate content amongst millions of data.

Don't wait anymore to unleash the power of your data and finally reconcile siloed datas!




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On the agenda

1 - The puzzle of annotating videos to meet the needs of different professions (archivists, editors, journalists, programmers, marketers...)

2 - Discovery of semantic technologies

3 - Demonstration of complex cross-research

4 - Questions & answers

Our super speakers 😍

Guillaume is an Audiovisual & Multimedia Engineer who graduated from the University of Valenciennes and specialized in media indexing and semantic technologies.A Perfect Memory collaborator since its inception, he contributed to the construction of the platform’s fundamental principles.

Louis Matignon has over 9 years of international experience in the broadcasting industry, where he has managed global software and service portfolios as well as teams of engineers and pre-sales architects. Today Chief Revenue Officer at Perfect Memory, he applies himself to generate the maximum value for its clients.

Who is Perfect Memory?

Perfect Memory is a  high-end technology provider and software editor. Through our semantic AI composite technology, we help organisations to operate more efficiently and tackle their digital challenge with Knowledge Graph technologies that reactivate corporate memory, uncover hidden knowledge and reveal new sources of untapped value creation.We bring value wherever there is a need to create a common language and interoperability between heterogeneous data to understand what connects them and to learn from these crossings.