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Perfect Memory, LOD and Wikidata – A dialogue


How Wikidata and the LOD can be used as assets in business applications to serve content catalogs and end-users.

In this webinar, learn how open source data from Linked Open Data can enrich your organization’s data.

We will show you how to move from a data-driven approach to an information management strategy tailored to the needs of the business lines.




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On the agenda

1 - What is Linked Open Data and what is its role in the semantic web?

2 - What is the difference between Wikidata and Wikipedia?

3- How can you transform your company’s data into knowledge accessible to all businesses?

4 - Questions & answers

Our super speakers 😍

Guillaume is an Audiovisual & Multimedia Engineer who graduated from the University of Valenciennes and specialized in media indexing and semantic technologies.A Perfect Memory collaborator since its inception, he contributed to the construction of the platform’s fundamental principles.

A graduate of the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), he leads the Professional Services whose main mission is to care for our customers and partners, answer their needs and accompany them through the integration of the Perfect Memory solution. His team combines collective skills and pedagogy at the service of successful project management, to bring the best of Perfect technology to our users.

Louis Matignon has over 9 years of international experience in the broadcasting industry, where he has managed global software and service portfolios as well as teams of engineers and pre-sales architects. Today Chief Revenue Officer at Perfect Memory, he applies himself to generate the maximum value for its clients.

Who is Perfect Memory?

Perfect Memory is a  high-end technology provider and software editor. Through our semantic AI composite technology, we help organisations to operate more efficiently and tackle their digital challenge with Knowledge Graph technologies that reactivate corporate memory, uncover hidden knowledge and reveal new sources of untapped value creation.We bring value wherever there is a need to create a common language and interoperability between heterogeneous data to understand what connects them and to learn from these crossings.